Psalm 7: An Honest Look: Dealing with Injured Character"

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Review from last week:
What is your fight song? The song that has gotten you through ?
“Final countdown”- studying for my Archeology Exam in Israel
“To Not Worship You” MercyMe
The Issue: “I Take Refuge” (vs. 1-5)
The Invitation: “Arise…Judge” (vs. 6-11)
The Integrity: “Repent and Sing Praise” (vs. 12-17)
Summary: Integrity to look comes from a position that cannot be shook

The Issue: “I Take Refuge” (vs. 1-5)

Pre-Script (vs.)
A Shiggaion- transliteration, Dithyrambic rhythm; or wild passionate song, “A Poem written with intense feeling” (BKC)- There is quite a bit written about it in the 7th Century B.C. in Greece.
“The performance of dithyrambs was grandiose and spectacular: after a prologue spoken by the group’s leader, two choruses in expensive apparel—one of 50 men and the other of 50 boys—sang and performed circle dances around the altar of Dionysus. Auloi (wind instruments with double reeds) provided the instrumental accompaniment.” -Britannica
of David- The shepherd boy that was employed by king Saul to play his lyre whenever the harmful spirit of God was upon the King (1 Sam16:16-23). Saul was refreshed and was made well by this.
which he sang to the Lord
Concerning the Words of
Cush- 2 Sam 18:21-32- “Cushite”
A Benjaminite- the tribe of the first king Saul.
Reliance: The LORD or the Lions (vs.1-2)
O LORD my God
in you do I take refuge- Psalm 11:1 “In the Lord I take refuge; how can you say to my soul, “Flee like a bird to your mountain,”
save me from all my pursuers
and deliver me
Lest (if you don’t) like a lion- Does David have any history with lions, yes. This imagery is going to come up over and over in his writing.
they tear my soul apart
rending it in pieces
with none to deliver (rescue)- the first of many occurances in the Psalms of the word “rescue”.
“Refuge” and “Rescue”- where do you and I look for these things?
Evaluation: If I have done this (vs. 3-5)
O LORD my God- same address as verse 1, the same place of refuge and reliance
If I have done this
If there is wrong in my hands
If I have repaid my friend with evil
or plundered my enemy without cause- This seems to be the taunt of the enemy. Probably against King Saul.
Let the enemy pursue my soul
and overtake it
and let him tramply my life to the ground- the verb ‘rms’ can be used to describe the action of a potter mixing clay by foot (Isa. 41:25) , a vintner crushing grapes (63:3), a crowd of people trampliing a man (2 kings7:17), or horses trampling Jezebel underfoot (2 Kings 9:33)” (NIVAC, 190)).
and lay my glory in the dust- there is a progression from pursue, to overtake, to lay down.
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
Think of the last time your character was injured or slandered. Or someone said something about you that was not quite right. Who did you take refuge in? Where did you look for rescue? The Lord or the lions? We have to start with the unshakable ground of who we are in Christ.
When was the last time you took a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and asked, “what is my part in this?” “Where are there areas that I need to grow”?
Selah, pause, tune your heartstrings to what you just heard
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
Today is a good day to spend some time evaluating where you heart is.
Transitional phrase: There was something that someone said in David’s life that caused him to pause, to ask, “Is this true?”. Allowing space to evaluate. It is hard to do this if we trust more in ourselves than the LORD our God. David is going to invite God to move on his behalf.

The Invitation: “Arise...Judge” (vs. 6-11)

Awaken for me (vs. 6-7)
Arise, O LORD- a call to action, to move- EVERYONE STAND!
In your anger
lift youself up against the fury of my enemies
awaken for me- Now Pastor Jeremy, the Bible says in Psalm 121:4 “Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Remember the genre we are reading, it is poetic, David doesn’t think that God is sleeping, he is calling on him to bestir himself on David’s behalf.
you have appointed a judgment- check with the person next to you to make sure they are not sleeping!
Let the assembly of the peoples be gathered about you
over it return on high
Judge me (vs. 8-9)
Judges the peoples
judge me, O LORD
according to my righteousness
and according to the integrity that is in me
Oh let the eveil of the wicked come to an end
and may you establish the righteous
you who test the minds and hearts- “hearts and inward parts” the point is that God is able to scrutinize the interior thoughts and emotions of humans” (NIVAC, 192).
O righteous God!- first time that “God” or “Most High God” is used
Shield me (vs. 10-11)
My shield is with God
who saves the upright in heart
God is a righteous judge
and a God who feels indignation
every day- God does not “wink at wickedness”
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
What are you passionately, with intensity, asking of God today? What situations in your life are you begging Him to engage in?
Wow, David really goes crazy here. Asking God to Judge him. The one that knows the minds and hearts. I am much more willing to have God test my actions than my thoughts and desires.
What will is sound/look like to honestly evaluate my life before the LORD and ask Him to test my thoughts and desires?
Enlist the Body (Words, actions, emotions):
Don’t forget, this is a passionate song that David sang to the LORD. How do you communicate passionately to the LORD? Is it in writing, is it through prayer, is it verbally, do you paint, bake, etc?
Where do you have thesse conversations?
Transitional phrase: David gives the invitation to God to judge him. Even if he is guilty, David still finds his refuge, rescue, and shield in God. So where does David go with his intense song from here?

The Integrity: “Repent and Sing Praise” (vs. 12-17)

War (vs. 12-13)
If a man does not repent
God (he) will whet his sword- “sharpen his sword”
he has bent and readied his bow-
He has prepared for him his deadly weapons
making his arrows fiery shafts- David describes God as being poised and ready, the bow is pulled and his eye is on the target.
James 4:6–7 “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
If a man does not repent, he is going to war with God
A pregnant pit (vs. 14-16)
the wicked man conceives evil
and is pregnant with mischief
and gives birth to lies
James 1:14–15 “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
There is a process here, conception, pregnant, birth. Be careful what we allow into our lives, grow in our hearts and minds, and act upon.
He makes a pit-
digging it out
and falls into the hole that he has made
His mischief returns upon his own head
and on his own skull
his violence descends-
We take “Concussion protocol” very seriously, how much more should we take the reprocussions of choosing evil.
Praise and thanks(v. 17)
I will give to the LORD
the thanks due to his righteousness
I will sing praises
to the name of the LORD
Most High- “The most high God” elyon
2 Samuel 14:14 “We must all die; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.”
Renew the Mind (the Scriptures):
What caught your attention in this section?
Which verses or words would you like to study a little more this week?
Engage the Heart (humility vs. pride):
Do you really think that you can fight against God and win? Yet we don’t repent of Sin, we allow the conception of sin in our minds and hearts to continue to grow until it gives birth to sinful words, actions, and emotions.
Let’s just say, for argument sake, you go before the Lord and invite him to evaluate your life this week. And He finds you guilty! What are you going to do? How will you respond? You can still have integrity, you can still confess and repent to God!
Whatever the issue, are you looking through the lense of belonging to Jesus?
Ask Jesus, “what is it that you would like me to see?”
Repent to Jesus, sing to Jesus
Summary: Integrity to look comes from a position that cannot be shook
Discussion Starters:
When it comes to the issue of your character, whose opinions do I value the most?
What will it look/sound like to honestly evaluate my life before the LORD and ask Him to test my thoughts and desires?
Prayer: What wildly intense song will I sing to the Lord this week? One of evaluation, repentance, or thanks?
Song: Great is they Faithfulness
Benediction/Looking ahead: INVITE PEOPLE TO THE CAFE
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